Saturday, September 12, 2009

Amazon to Lima

This morning we had the long trek out of the jungle and back to civilization. We packed up our duffels before breakfast and after we had eaten, got back into the canoes one last time. We saw some more parakeets and macaws flying over us as we crossed the lake, and a few monkeys as we hiked from the lake to the river. According to the guide, we saw all four species of monkeys in the area (don't ask me what they were!). The hike back was much easier than the hike in - most of the mud was dried up. We could tell that it was going to be a hot and muggy day! The canoe ride back wasn't exciting, the only interesting part was the couple sitting beside and across from me seemed to argue (in Spanish, so I can't tell for sure) most of the way to port.

Our plane was late getting in from Cusco, so while K and I stayed in the airport, V took the rest of the group into town to pay a phone bill. The airport needs to work on their PA system - the echos made them almost impossible to understand (even for native Spanish speakers) and they liked to broadcast two announcements at the same time!

I was looking out the window for most of the flight back to Lima - looking at jungle change to mountain and then to desert. We had a short stop over in Cusco (never left the plane) so got to experience the add feeling of landing at an airport without the cabin pressure changing and the super long take-off roll. Back in Lima, we relaxed at the hotel for a while, then took a couple taxis to V's apartment (except for K who had stomach issues and just went to bed). We just hung out there, eating pizza, and telling her room-mate about the trip. Then V drove us back to the hotel, all of us squishing into her 1970's pink VW beetle!

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