Monday, February 1, 2010

Searching for Winter

Winter in southern Ontario never really came this year, so I headed up for a weekend in Ottawa. Of course, the week before I went it was warm and wet (destroying the canal), but I still had fun visiting friends and family.

I bought snowshoes this year and had to use them at least once, so tried snowshoeing in the greenbelt near Kanata (where I was staying). The snow was well packed so I didn't need the bouyance, but the metal grips were useful. I gave up right near the end though, and while I was taking them off, a herd of dear surrounded me! People in the area feed the deer (!?!) so they weren't scared at all - they just stood there and looked at me.

My last morning I finally got to skate part of the canal (which was still pretty rough) and get my beavertail ... mmmm.

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