Monday, August 24, 2009

Lima, Peru

This morning, I was picked up by my sister and her family, who drove me to the airport. After I showed her husband and the oldest 2 kids where I worked, they dropped me off at the terminal (I think they went to look at the planes after that). Just as they started to board the flight, I heard my name being called over the speakers - they wanted to give me a free upgrade to First Class! Of course I took it, but unfortunatly it meant that I didn´t get the special meal I requested. But I did get LOTS of leg room (not that I need it), a comfort bag, and a leg rest! If you ever get the chance to fly First Class, do it. I arrived in Lima after an 8 hour flight and expected to have someone from GAP waiting to drive me to the hotel. Unfortunatly, the travel agent must have made a mistake somewhere, because it wasn´t booked! Luckly for my, he had a few other passengers going to my hotel and gave me a ride for $15, a lot less than the taxi would have cost me. The hotel room was small but clean, with a toilet that ran. I don´t know why, but you have to let the hot water run for 5 minutes before it becomes hot ... they put up a notice about it, so it must be something to do with their system.

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