Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Paracas to Nazca

The sound of lots of cars honking outside my window woke me up this morning. After an early breakfast (and a gravol), we took a boat tour of the Ballestas Islands - known as the poor man´s Galapagos. We saw LOTS of cormorants, pelicans, penguins and sea lions, and the water was a bit rough, so I was glad for the gravol. As we approached the islands, there was a large flock or cormorants washing in the Pacific - probably close to 1 million! They took off when the boat got close and started flying away from us in what looked like a giant highway. Our next stop was a tour of a winery that makes Pisco - a type of brandy. After the tour, they sat us in a semi-circle and gave us samples of 7 different types! It tasted alright, but I didn´t want to lug a bottle of it around with me for 3 weeks. We stopped for lunch at Huacichina, a true desert oasis. I hiked part way up one of the dunes with the twins, but it was too hot and tiring to get all the way up. For every step up, you slide at least half a step down! Swimming in the cool water afterwards was very refreshing. We then got back into our van and drove to Nazca - another long drive through gray desert. We arrived after sunset, but still went swimming in the pool - it had a concrete slide!

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