Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day!

Happy 143rd Birthday, Canada!
I had to work this afternoon, so unfortunately didn't get to see any fireworks (except the ones from the highway driving home), but did get to spend a few hours with the family. I met them at the grocery store parking lot, then we headed out to Crawford Lake. We walked around the Iroquois village where the kids loved feeling all the animal skins and antlers. (M commented that it was like a petting zoo, but better - no animals jumping on you or poop to step in!) After a short attempt at playing lacrosse, we walked around the native garden, snacking on raspberries and blackberries that we found, then down to the lake. We didn't walk around the lake, that would have taken too long - I had to get home on time and the kids needed to have enough energy to walk back up the hill.

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