Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Off to Algonquin!

I had 4 days off work and wanted to go camping and hiking this summer, so booked a campsite in Algonquin Provincial Park, packed up my car, picked up my mom (she likes camping, but my dad doesn't), and drove up north!
We got to the campsite just after 2, set up the tent, made some tea, then raced into the car as it started to rain ... hard! After finishing our tea, it was still raining, so we drove to the visitor information centre. We took our time looking at the exhibits and by the time we finished watching the movie on the history of the park, the rain had basically stopped. It was very misty and the clouds were low, but there was still a great view from the back of the visitor centre.
It was too early for supper, so we hiked around the Spruce Bog Boardwalk - a flat gravel trail and boardwalk through and around a marsh. We got a few drips of rain near the end of the loop, but nothing worth putting on a jacket for.
After supper, we hiked the Lookout Trail. The view was great, but since it was so hazy and we were looking into the sun, the pictures didn't turn out too well. Back at the campsite, we sat by the fire, made some popcorn, and then climbed into our sleeping bags, hoping the bear who had been breaking into cars wouldn't bother us!

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