Saturday, June 4, 2011


Day 1 of the Jordan Extension! We met our bus as 6 am and headed for the Jordanian border. We got there just before it opened, so were able to get through without all the pushing and shoving that is normally required! Our Jordanian guide helped get us through immigration, and our bus, with driver and tourist police officer, were there to meet us. After a short drive we got to the Roman ruins at Jerash. These ruins are the largest set of Roman ruins in the world! It was amazing to see how much was still standing after 2000 years. There is a large theatre with amazing acoustics - standing in the middle and talking in at a normal volume, you can be heard in the back rows ... and hear your voice echoing back. Luckily we got to test this ourselves before the drums and bagpipes started up. (Huh?) There is a large oval plaza just outside the theatre - it's lined with columns, and even has a drainage system under it! After lunch, we stopped at Dibon - an ancient city on the Madeba Plateau. This area was given to Reuben as an inheritance, but control of the area was always changing hands. There isn't much left on the site except a pile of rocks ... but we did see a shepherd leading his flock right through the middle off it! We spent the rest of the afternoon driving south, past the Arnon Canyon, to the town of Petra. We got to the hotel after 8 pm, had supper, then the four of us girls went for a late night swim in the cold pool.

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