Friday, June 3, 2011

Yad Vashem

I had the morning and most of the afternoon free (everyone else was studying for and then writing their final exam), so took a cab to Yad Vashem - the Israeli Holocaust Museum. It was interesting to see how they explain the process that led up to the holocaust and also very moving to read the stories of the people who suffered because of it. While it was interesting and worthwhile, I can't really describe the experience as "fun".

I got back to the old city just before noon and headed down Jaffa St. to Ben-Yehuda St. for shwarma and bakery deserts. I made sure to take a few pictures for my sister, too - 12 years ago, she lived in this area! I returned to JUC later in the afternoon for our departure meeting, where we were given a good description of the security procedures that we would go through when leaving Israel, and a certificate "ceremony" (they just handed them out).

It was a Friday, so in the afternoon, everything was shut. We had supper at the hotel, then made our way down to the Western Wall with a bunch of the other JUC students, and said our good-byes in the plaza. I hate good-byes.

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