Saturday, October 31, 2009

Calgary - Hiking and hanging around

After sleeping in again (vacations are great!), I went with my aunt for a hike around Weasel Head. It was a nice walk through the river valley but there were a few icy patches on the path. On the way home, we stopped at a bakery to pick up some dairy-free (for my dad and I) and gluten-free (for an aunt and some cousins) good for my oma's birthday celebrations.

Back at her house, we worked on a photo album of our family that my aunt is putting together for my oma. My oma can't see very well, so this way, she can put the pictures of us under her magnifier and see what we look like. To avoid the trick-or-treaters, we went to a fantastic Thai restaurant for supper, then went back and relaxed at home.

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