Friday, October 30, 2009

Calgary - Kitchens and Guns

I slept in pretty late this morning (my dad and uncle had left for their meeting by the time I got up), had breakfast and then went with my aunt to look at kitchen showrooms - they're renovating their kitchen soon so we were looking for ideas. We stopped for lunch at an awesome Lebanese restaurant while searching for the right cupboards, counters, and taps.

Another one of my cousins teaches at the school across the street from my aunt's house and we were planning on surprising her their but ended up being on the other side of the city at the end of school, so called her and went there for tea, instead. She's been married over a year, but I still have never met her husband and won't on this trip either!

After getting dressed up at home, my aunt and I drove to meet dad, my uncle, the rest of the group they were in meetings with, and their spouses. It was interesting to meet the people I had heard about from my dad, and also to learn more about the organization he has been doing so much work for.

We were home late, but somehow when we got home, the conversation turned to my uncle's love of big game hunting and his "hunting room" in the basement. He has several sets of antlers, including a huge set from a moose! We also got to check out his variety of bows and guns (along with descriptions on how they work and what animal they are used for) and got a lecture on how to make your own ammunition (assembling the brass, bullet, gun powder, and primer). Only in Alberta!

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