Thursday, October 29, 2009

Edmonton to Calgary

My dad has meetings in Calgary this weekend, so after eating breakfast in our suite (mom was eating downstairs in her mom's apartment), we drove down to Calgary. It isn't the most exciting drive and November is probably the ugliest time of year - no leaves and no snow, just dry and brown.

I dropped my dad off at the offices near the airport, then made my way to my aunt and uncle's place in the south-west. My dad's directions didn't include on the the turns I was supposed to make and later I was in the wrong lane to turn where I had to, but the city is pretty much a grid of numbered streets, so I found my way with no major difficulties.

I spent the afternoon relaxing with my aunt, looking at each others pictures of Peru (she and my uncle went two months before I did), before heading back across the city to pick my dad up. One of my cousins (from a different family) joined up for supper - lime dill chicken with rice and stir-fried peppers. Mmmm - my aunt is a good cook!

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