Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Centennial Ridges

We didn't start too early this morning (it was after 9 by the time we left the campsite) and it was already hot! Today's goal was to hike Centennial Ridges - a 10 km trail with great views of Algonquin. It was a great hike with awesome views over the granite cliffs, but HOT (30+ degrees and very humid)! We had dad's GPS with us to record our hikes and according to it, we spent just as much time standing (or sitting) still as we did hiking ... probably all those times we rested and tried to cool down a bit! Driving back to the campground, we saw a small family of moose - a cow and two calves. A bit unusual for that time of the day, but they were cooperating nicely and letting all the tourists take pictures! Back at the campsite, we jumped in the lake for a swim - nice and refreshing! Then it was off to the showers. Supper was sausages heated over the fire (mmmmm), baked beans (which my dad refuses to eat but my mom loves), and cut up raw veggies. We spend the rest of the evening relaxing by the fire until we ran out of wood.

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