Thursday, August 5, 2010

Track and Tower

We got an earlier start this morning - must be getting better organized or something. Today's hike was the Track and Tower hike. From the trail description, it looked like the last few kilometers of the 8 km hike would be flat and boring, so we decided to do the loop in the opposite direction. It was another hot day ... so again, we spent a lot of time relaxing, looking at the view, and trying to cool down a bit!
We returned to camp, had a swim, and then went to the Algonquin Logging Museum. There is a small exhibit inside the building, but most of the exhibits are placed outside along a 1 km walk. We started to get bored near the end and picked up the pace back to the museum, which was lucky, because we didn't notice a small storm coming our way - he downpour started just after we entered the museum!
After supper we headed to the amphitheatre because I though there was a wolf howl - I didn't read the notice saying that it had been cancelled (no wolves). We listened to an interesting lecture on the history of wolves in Algonquin and learned a bit more about the animals, but left during the question and answer period. (Random interesting fact that we learned - deer eat birds!)
Back at the campground, we took our chairs down to the beach and looked at the stars for a while, got bitten by a bunch of mosquitoes, then headed off to bed.

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