Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It was still wet out with low clouds when we woke up, so I never really got to enjoy the mountain vistas around Haines. Oh well … maybe some other time.

We headed back north into Canada, this time stopping for a hike in B.C. – following a valley into the Tatshenshini-Alsek Park to view Samuel Glacier. We hiked just over 21 km, getting a great view of one of the glacier’s snouts from across the valley. The hike didn’t have much overall elevation gain, but there were a number of hills to go over, the trail was pretty muddy in spots, and there were a few streams to cross (mom and dad have waterproof hiking boots, but I got wet feet in mine). The last part didn’t even have a trail – we just trudged across the hills trying to avoid the low areas to get to the view point. We camped again at Million Dollar Falls Campground, but no fire this time, only reading, sorting pictures, and playing a few games.

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