Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sheep Mountain

Our first big hike in Kluane – Sheep Mountain/Tachal Dhal Ridge. Most people drive down the gravel road to the parking lot at the bottom of the mountain, but dad didn’t want to try get the RV down there, so instead, we parked at the start of the road and walked 2.5 km to the parking lot. The hike was awesome – we broke out of the trees pretty quickly and had great views down some of the valleys. The trail was pretty good, then we started to climb up to the summit on a “route”. The trail lasted for a while, but soon started to disappear or split into multiple trails. It wasn’t too hard to find the trail back though – keep going up! Once we got on the ridge leading to the summit, the views were spectacular. It also got pretty windy and cold! After a lot of hard work, we finally got to the top and were able to enjoy the views of Kluane Lake. The way down was also hard, but this time on our leg muscles instead of our lungs. And the last bit where we walked down the road back to the RV seemed to go on forever! In total, we hiked almost 22 km and climbed around 4000 ft!

We spent the night in Haines Junction at an RV park just outside of town, relaxing after a tough climb.

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