Monday, September 5, 2011

King's Throne

Today’s hike was King’s Throne. While the views were nice, the climb was hard – up steep scree! We took a short rest at the “seat” of the throne before tackling the summit. We only got about 1/3 of the way up before turning back – going up the scree and getting to the summit wouldn’t be a problem, but coming down would be hard! So, we took a few pictures from where we stopped, and then started back down again. It was hard work not to go rolling down the side of the mountain! Once we got down, we drove farther south to Million Dollar Falls, just before the B.C. border. We had taken some abandoned chopped firewood from a site at Kathleen Lake, so together with all our scraps of paper and the small logs that were left at the site we picked, we had a nice fire.

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