Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dempster Highway - Part 2

I think we were first out of the campground again, and after a few kilometers, drove into the low clouds. The Yukon/NWT border crossing signs were also off according to dad’s GPS, and we took a quick picture in the fog. The road improved as we continued north, but it was pretty foggy for a lot of the morning. Crossing the Peel River by cable pulled ferry was quick, but dad thinks he knocked the trailer hitch on the ramp when he got off – the ferry just sails right into the gravel back and drops the ramp … nothing fancy here! We bypassed Fort McPherson, deciding to see it on the way back. We ate lunch while waiting for the Mackenzie River ferry to pick us up. It looked like he was having a hard time docking on the other side. We finally got on board, with me taking pictures of dad driving the RV up into it, and then I climbed up to the level of the captain to take a few pictures. We docked at Tsiigehtchic and sat there waiting for two more vehicles to board (they were still up at the village, not down by the dock waiting) before heading across and docking after two attempts. The rest of the drive up was a bit boring – perfectly straight road with pine trees on both sides, but at least the road was smooth and I was actually able to get up to the speed limit of 90 km/h! Arriving in Inuvik, our first stop was at Arctic Adventures to book a trip up to Tuktoyaktuk. The weather hasn’t been good up there so there are lot of people trying to get up there, but we were able to book a flight for tomorrow at 5 pm. The trip should take about 4 hours, but since it doesn’t get dark until after 11 pm, it will still be light when we get back. We got a campsite right in the town, and after getting everything sorted, walked into town to find meat for supper and we found dad some arctic char – he’s been talking about getting it since we first mentioned the idea of this trip! We spent the rest of the evening relaxing in the campground and enjoying our first shower in 3 days.

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