Saturday, August 27, 2011

Leaving the Arctic

We had another slow start to the morning, but this time because we had to empty the septic tanks and refill the water before starting back down the Dempster. The first part of the drive was uneventful – long, straight road, trees on either side … The ramps for the ferry crossings must have been re-graded because it was simple to drive on and off the ferry without hitting the back of the RV on the dirt or ramp. I even drove on and off the second ferry! After the second ferry, the trees disappeared and we were able to see huge distances again. We also got to see some wildlife! First up was an arctic fox which ran across the road with some other animal in its mouth, which it then ate at the side of the road. Next were 3 grizzly bears! The first was a bit off the side of the road eating berries, the second was a long way off, and the third was laying on the road when we drove up, quickly got up, moved about 5 meters off the road, and plopped down again. We crossed back into the Yukon, then across the Arctic Circle again. This time, in better weather so we got better pictures. We camped at Eagle Plains. The “campground” was more like a parking lot for RVs and the bathrooms weren’t very clean, but we didn’t want to go any farther, so that’s where we stopped.

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