Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grizzly Creek

We had an easier hike this morning – following a real trail up the mountain north of Grizzly Creek. The trail started as a wide gravel path which changed to dirt fairly quickly, and then the climb began. Near the top, we were hiking up a path of loose rocks. Distance and elevation were roughly the same as Mt. Adney, but the hike was much easier because of the trail. The views from the top of Mt. Monolith were amazing! We made lunch back in the parking lot, then headed back down the Dempster. At the end I tried to write “Did the Dempster” in the dirt on the back of the RV, but it ended up having to etch it in using my nail. I was wearing thin plastic gloves for the job, but my nail broke through and I got quite a bit of dirt under my fingernail! I eventually got it etched in, but had forgotten about the picture under the dirt … all that could be read was “Did the Dem” :( I took a few pictures of us crossing the final bridge, and then we drove the last bit to Dawson. This town looks really cool, but is really touristy too! A lot of the buildings in the downtown area look like they would have during the gold rush … with a few modern bits added on. We did a few groceries, went to the visitor information centre to plan our next day, and spent the rest of the evening relaxing.

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