Friday, August 26, 2011

Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk

We had a relaxing morning, walking around town and looking at a few stores. We had a late lunch at the campsite, then I uploaded some pictures to facebook. Around 3:15, dad just happened to be walking into the camp office when the tour company for our flight to Tuktoyaktuk called to see where we were – apparently our trip time changed but they never told us! So, we quickly gathered up all our stuff and raced to the airport. The flight to Tuk was in a 9 passenger Caravan, so we each got a window seat. The views of the delta were amazing! The pilot took an indirect route up so as to show us the delta and the pingos around Tuk. Our tour guide met us at the airport and drove us around town in her van. First stop was the Tuktoyaktuk sign were everyone took their pictures to prove that they had made it this far north. We also climbed a pingo in town, walked into the sod house, and climbed down the ladder into the community ice house. The ice house was really interesting – it’s dug into the permafrost so we could see the layers of ice, sand and frozen mud. After climbing back up, we headed down to the ocean. Mom only touched it with her fingers, dad at least stuck in his big toe, but I was the brave one and went up to my ankles in the ice cold water. I think the worst part was actually the rocks that were slippery, hurt to walk on, and left a layer of green muck on the bottom of my feet! The flight back to Inuvik was more direct, but the views were still great. Back at Inuvik, I stopped by the FSS to talk to the guy working there and was able to climb up the tower to see the view. We then headed back to the campground for a late supper and mom and I walked around town looking for a postcard … of course, most places were already closed since it was after 9 pm, but with the sun, it only felt like 6 or 7! We eventually found one, and headed back to the campsite and off to bed.

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