Monday, August 22, 2011


After a day at the airshow, I was up at 4:40 for my latest vacation trip, but this time, I’m taking my parents! I picked them up around 5:20 and we left the car at work, taking a cab to the airport terminal. We flew Air Canada to Vancouver, sat there for about 40 minutes, and then got on a Jazz RJ up to Whitehorse. It was raining in Vancouver and the plane was hot and muggy when we boarded (and smelt a lot like pee …. Eww!), but the pilots turned the AC on high after pushing pack … problem was, the cold air shooting out of the AC vent beside me created a steam of fog! Mom called the flight attendant over and after she checked with the pilots to make sure it wasn’t something to worry about, she got me a blanket to block to cold air.

We arrived in Whitehorse just after 1:30, and tried to catch a cab outside the terminal … but soon figured out that you have to CALL the taxi to come pick you up! First airport I’ve been to that didn’t have cabs waiting outside. Our VERY friendly and chatty drive drove us south to the RV rental place where we picked up our RV. After being shown a few of the features, we headed into town to pick up supplies. With all three of us tired and hungry, we had supper sitting in the Walmart parking lot (along with about 20 other RVs and trailers) before finishing up the shopping and deciding on a campground to stay at. We weren’t going to stay at Walmart along a main road, right under the airport! We ended up almost back at the rental place, staying at Pioneer Campground south of the city. We wanted to be close to town in case we had any issues with the unit or had forgotten to pick some stuff up at the store (which of course we did).

After hooking up the electric and water, we made some tea, looked at the plan for tomorrow, played game of phase 10 (I won!), and then went to bed early … we were all exhausted!

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