Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Edmonton - Day 1

After having breakfast with Oma, we went and got the car washed to remove the "driving down a gravel road" evidence off the car. (If you read the fine print on car rental agreements, they usually say no non-paved roads!) I then attempted to make a package of soup.
Oma doesn't cook very often (or maybe ever) anymore, but still has packages of soup mix, cake mix, etc. in her pantry. I found one without milk in it, minestrone, opened it (it looked ok), smelt it (smelt ok) and then added water and started cooking it. My mom wouldn't let me taste it until it had boiled for 10 minutes - just to make sure anything that might have been living in there was good and dead. It didn't taste right, so we tossed it and went on to soup #2, chicken noodle. This one tasted fine and we added some meatballs that my mom made and a package of dried "soup vegetables" that Oma had in the pantry - they had either passed their expiration date 2 months ago or were going to expire in 2 weeks, so we decided they should also be used up! Soup #2 was pretty good! After lunch I headed down to Leduc to visit with a cousin and discuss airplane things (he's a pilot), then back to Edmonton for supper. The three of us then drove up to St. Albert to visit another cousin - I drove, my dad was using his GPS, and my mom a map. We normally have no problems navigating, but we got messed up pretty quickly on this trip - road names had changed, my dad said left, my mom right ... things just weren't working! We finally decided to just use the GPS and found the street, and when my dad asked mom what the house number was, her reply was "This isn't the right street!" Turns out that she had grabbed the wrong map printout and was directing us to a totally different place in St. Albert! That explained a few things.
My cousin put out a HUGE spread of food for us. Apparently they first were planning on having wine and cheese and remembered just that afternoon that my dad and I can't have milk, so quickly added a bunch of meats and fruit! But at least my mom got to enjoy her cheese (she doesn't get to very often).

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