Saturday, November 7, 2009

Edmonton - The Family Party

Dad and I had an awesome breakfast at C's - her husband R made up poached eggs, hash browns and homemade bacon (home smoked pork tenderloin). Amazingly delicious! My dad headed back to Oma's while I went shopping for drinks and snacks for the cousins' get together in the evening.

After getting changed at Oma's, I headed out with mom and dad to the hotel to help set up the room at the hotel, where we had a cocktail reception for just the immediate family (78 of the 115 made it). There were a few speeches and lots of stories about Oma, the graphs of the growing family that I put together were presented by my dad (in 10 years, there will be about 350 of us!!!), and of course, there were a lot of emotional family members. There was a wide selection of hors d'ouvres, which were brought out at intervals - a nice break from the stories when we could mingle with relatives we only see every few years.

Oma went out with 11 of her 12 children and their spouses for dinner while the cousins got together at one of the houses for pizza. After eating, we played a game of guesstures (a bit like charades) - boys vs. girls - and I'm happy to report that the girls won!

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