Thursday, November 5, 2009

Edmonton - Day 3

I spent the day with my cousin C, who used to live in the same city as me, so we wanted to spend some time together and catch up. I got a tour of her new house, then we headed off to downtown Edmonton ... by a rather indirect route. Our first challenge was to find a parking lot that would let us pay! At the first two lots, our credit cards didn't work and we didn't have enough change, but the third lot had a person who could take cash.

We had lunch at Three Bananas - a cafe right near city hall. The food and atmosphere with both great. We then hiked to the Shaw Centre and down along the river. Edmonton isn't the most scenic city (especially in November!) but it was nice to get some exercise after all the coffee, cake and cookies!

I had supper at C's, along with her husband and her parents, who were also in town for Oma's birthday. We had a Korean barbecue - strips of marinated beef, grilled and wrapped in lettuce with grilled garlic. Delicious, but loud - the smoke detector kept going off! Her husband got plenty of exercise running around opening doors and windows and fanning the alarm.

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