Sunday, November 8, 2009

Edmonton - The Partying Keeps on Going

The family got together one last time for church at my Oma's church. It's a very orthodox church, and since there was communion, anyone who wasn't a member of that church had to meet with the elders and fill in a form stating that they were a member in good standing of their home church. The list of names is then read by an elder at the start of the service - the poor man who got stuck doing it that day had 35 names to read! (Normally it's only two or three)

We had soup and buns in the basement after the service, then got to say our goodbyes to everyone. Back at Oma's, we had tea then went out for a walk. Supper was at R and C's - a nice light supper of soup and salad. Then it was off to my uncle's house for coffee and more goodbyes (to the same people!).

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