Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Edmonton - Oma's 90th Birthday

For Oma's birthday breakfast, my mom made pancakes with berries and whipping cream. After cleaning up, my dad and I walked over to the mall and grocery store, returning "late" for lunch - my mom hadn't told us that we had to have lunch so early! While my mom and aunt set up the common area for my Oma's open house, I sat upstairs with Oma making a spreadsheet of all the family members and the years they were born. (My dad and uncle had decided that they wanted to see a trend line of the family growth and put me up the job of making it happen.)

The open house was CRAZY! There were over 100 guests, so many that we ran out of mugs and had to keep asking people if they were done so we could wash and reuse them. Oma really seemed to be enjoying herself, she was talking so much she hardly even got a chance to drink her coffee!

We had a quiet supper with Oma, my aunt, and one of my cousins who wasn't able to make it to the family celebration on the weekend, and a couple of uncles came over after for coffee.

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