Monday, November 9, 2009

Heading back Home

Our last day in Edmonton was another quiet one. Dad and I picked up some groceries for Oma, then had a hot lunch with her. Our flight left in the evening, so we brought along some buns for supper which we ate while waiting in the airport.

I enjoyed my time in Alberta, meeting up again with a lot of the family members. But unfortunately, the cousins see each other so infrequently that we don't have much to say to each other. We all seemed to realize that after the 3 questions (Where are you working/going to school? What are you planning to do? And who's your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?), we ran out of things to say. At a reunion where we spend a few days together, we can get into deeper conversations, but when you haven't seen someone for years, it's harder. The next reunion is planned for 2012, and that's probably the next time I'll see most of the family.

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