Sunday, October 10, 2010

Back to Nairobi

Up at 5:30 and out of the campground by 7 - maybe staying up late wasn't such a great idea! We spent the whole day driving down the bumpy roads, swerving around construction areas, getting back to Nairobi at 2:30. We had no problems crossing the border back to Kenya, but of course, I had to get the unusual questions again. It was really loud in the room we were in and the guy was behind glass, so it took me a bit to understand what he was trying to ask. This time it was, "What's the secret?" (me, huh?) "Why do Canadians live so long?" I figured I'd go with "I don't know", got my passport stamped, and got out of there before he started to ask anything else.

I had my own room in the hotel in Nairobi, and it felt great to take a warm shower and be able to stay clean after I got out. A group of us (including one vegetarian) met in the lobby around 5 and headed out to Carnivore Restaurant - an all you can eat meat extravaganza! The restaurant doesn't serve any wild game anymore (they used to serve giraffe, wildebeest, etc.), but we were able to try crocodile (a cross between scallops and chicken), ostrich (very good, we got seconds of that one), and I even ate part of an ox ball (tasted like liver, really chewy, with a tough "skin"). All the meat is roasted over a pit in the centre of the restaurant, then delivered to the table on giant forks or swords, and carved with a machete onto your plate. There is a stand with various salads and dipping sauces in the middle of the table, and a flag on top of the stand. When you're done with the meat, you tip over the flag and they bring a desert menu. I had a delicious piece of chocolate cake for desert, then we finished off the evening with drinks near the pool at the hotel.

Most people had early flights the next day (or were planning to tour around the city), so while everyone else went to be, I went to use the internet for a while. Back at the hotel, we had met up again with our guide from the Masai village in Loita Hills, who also happens to be a trip leader for Intrepid (the company I used for this half of the trip). We had drinks with him and our trip leader, then I saw him again while emailing home - the 100 cows offer was still standing! I didn't think my dad would go for it (he emailed later that if it had been 125, he would have had a deal ... thanks, dad), made a lame excuse, and headed off to bed.

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