Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ngorongoro Crater

Today we explored inside the Ngorongoro Crater! The place is amazing - a volcanic crater with steep sides and a salt-water lake at the bottom, filled with animals. There was no way our truck could get down the crater, so we did our game drive in 4x4 vehicles with the roof taken off ... so of course, I spent the whole trip standing up so that I could have a good view and came back with an awesome dirt tan!
We saw lots of elephants (including a big old bull who was "happy" to see us), hippos, waterbuffalos, wildebeests, and zebras. Unfortunately we weren't able to find any black rhinos.
We ate our lunch along the lake shore at the bottom of the crater. I stayed in the vehicle while I ate, but some of the others wanted to sit outside with their food. The were back in the vehicle pretty quickly after a bird attacked and stole one of the sandwiches!
The drive up was tons of fun - standing up, hanging on to the frame, racing up the steep and windy road to the top of the crater. And of course, we got a flat tire at the top, where we were shown an easy way to jack up a truck - drive the flat tire up onto a rock, then place the jack under the truck! Way easier than having to lift the vehicle with the jack!
We met back up with our overland truck at yet another souvenir shop ("local interaction" according to our trip leader). We spent the night at a dusty and crowded (every overland company was there) campground/snake park, so after setting up the tents, we went to check out the snakes, crocodiles and turtles.

We had a barbecue dinner at the campground restaurant, had to say a few speeches about the trip, then hung out, chatting until late into the evening.

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