Monday, October 4, 2010


Because we were so used to getting up early, even when we had the chance to sleep in, we were up early! After breakfast, we walked into town to the post office so we could mail our postcards, then we stopped by and internet cafe to send a few emails home. It was super cheap internet (lowest price I've ever seen!) - 1 shilling/minute ... or in Canadian dollars, 13 cents/10 minutes! Then it was back to the hotel, were we spent some time watching a confusing movie (we never figured out what was supposed to be going on) before meeting the rest of our group and heading west.

It was a beautiful drive - rolling hills with tea plantations, banana plantations, and maize fields ... and a lot of "Hotel and Butchery"s ... not sure I'd want to stay at one of those :S We had lunch at the side of the road where we got to teach the newbies how to wash their hands and dry dishes (all with a group of school kids looking on). We spent the night at a Catholic Mission Guest House - 2 people to a bedroom with the shared bathroom and shower stalls down the hall.

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