Friday, October 1, 2010

Masai Mara - Day 1

A lot of the group hardly slept at all, but I slept great! I decided to skip the shower (it was only cold water and the door didn't close properly), so just packed up the tent and had breakfast. After we finished cleaning up, we went back to the cow corral for the warrior dance - of course, since the cows had spent all night in there, there was plenty of fresh manure to step in!
It was really neat to see them dancing and jumping and to hear their singing. Apparently the guy who jumps the highest is the most attractive to the women of the village. They pulled our guys in for a jumping competition, the got the women to join in - we weren't allowed to jump, only dance.

We had time to take pictures with the warriors, then went to check out the stalls set up by the women of the village. (I bought a stripped blanket that I'll use in my guest bedroom - I decided to make it my "Africa room".)

Back in the truck, we drove a few hours to the Masai Mara. The "road" to our campground was pretty rough! After setting up and having lunch, we headed into the reserve for our first game drive. I added topi, wildebeasts (it was the end of the migration back to the Serengeti), lions (sleeping, of course) and a lepord (look closely to find it in the picture) to my list of animals.

After supper and a nice hot (wood fire heated) shower, it was off to sleep listening to the hyenas.

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