Sunday, October 3, 2010


Another early morning wake up time (out of the campsite by 7 am!) - most of the group was driving back to Nairobi, so they wanted an early start. After 3 hours driving we reached Narok, where I was left with a few other girls from the group to try to entertain ourselves until the next morning when a new group (but same cook and leader) would join us for the second half of the trip through Tanzania.

We had an "interesting" hotel - the shower wasn't working (it wouldn't heat the water), the sink drain pipe came off, and the sink came part way off the wall when an bit of force was put on it! We had lunch in the town, then did some souvenir and snack food shopping. Back at the hotel, I wrote a few postcards, watched a soccer match, then we had supper as a group in the hotel restaurant. It wasn't the most exciting town to be stuck in for a day!

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