Monday, September 20, 2010

Exploring Juba - Day 1

After breakfast, T had a prayer meeting, so I sat on her veranda and sorted through pictures to post on facebook. She came back to collect me for tea time at the guest house (everyone here stops for a tea break at 10:30), then she went to teach a class while I relaxed. After a while, I started wandering around the compound, and S, a Canadian guy volunteering there for 6 months, gave me a guided tour. We ate lunch at the guest house (yummy beef stew on rice with fresh pineapple on the side), then lazed around until 4.

Then it was off shopping. We went to a few stores, then into the market ... the part not many "khawaija" (white people) venture into! The smell of fish and meat that's been sitting in the heat all day can't be described, nor can the piles of garbage in every corner. I guess that's why T doesn't eat much meat!

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