Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Exploring Juba - Day 3

Another day spend exploring Juba - though off the compound this time! After morning tea, we went with the newbies to a plant nursery by the Nile. The newbies are planning a garden, complete with fruit trees, so wanted to check out what was available. They bought 4 papaya trees to plant on the compound and hopefully they survived after being planted, dug up, moved, and planted again ... more than once for one of them, I think!
After lunch, T and I went with S to a large market near the mountain to look for cloth. The selection of colourful cloth was impressive! Our next stop was at the Catholic mission to pick up some prayer booklets and bookmarks. They are organizing "101 Days of Prayer for Peace", praying that the separation referendum taking place in South Sudan in January will come to a peaceful resolution. After going home and showering (it was hot and we were sweaty!), we went with R in his "missionary car" to the grocery store to pick up supplies for supper. R then gave us a lesson in cooking fool (or is it spelt foul?) and then gave me a lesson in how to eat with my fingers. My dad would be so proud!
After cleaning up, I packed an overnight bag in case I was able to go flying with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) - there was about a 50/50 chance the flight would take place, as long as it didn't rain! We weren't intended to be gone overnight, but I had to be prepared to spend the night in a little village in case of any problems.

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