Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday in Entebbe

My final day in Uganda, so our last chance to see the town and run a few errands. We started with the Saturday Market in Entebbe. There was lots of cheap fruit and vegetables, all so colourful and delicious looking. T was loving it and bought a load of avocados to bring back to Juba with her (everything in Juba is about 4x the cost). Then it was off to John's shop (the local "supermarket"), the pharmacy, and home to do some laundry. After lunch, T and I went to the botanical gardens. It's a really beautiful and relaxing place to spend a few hours. We walked most of the paths, sat and looked at Lake Victoria, had our snack (bananas), and got chased away by the monkey who wanted our banana peels (we let him keep them).
Later, we headed to the SIL office so that I could pick up my passport and GOSS (Government of South Sudan) travel permit, and T could sign a few papers for someone. The evening was spent enjoying some delicious teriyaki beef watched Avatar.

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