Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The road to Lake Naivasha

It was a cold night and I was glad for my nice warm sleeping bag - I had felt a bit dumb bringing my -7 C rated bag with me (I didn't want to buy another for the trip), but it was needed! We packed up out tents, and after eating breakfast and cleaning dishes, we went for a guided walk to the village next to where we stayed. They showed us how they spun wool and knitted various items and how they made beads from old magazines ... then tried to get us to buy it, of course! While we were walking we also met a boy with a bird with a string tied around its leg. I guess that's what kids do for fun around there - catch birds and make them their pet for a while. He even stuffed it in his pocket as he walked behind us!

After a "brunch" (beef stew for brunch?) at 10:30, we drove into the town of Nakuru to buy groceries. I bought a few snacks at the supermarket, then sat with some of the others in a cute restaurant that served awesome smoothies. Then it was back on the bus to Lake Naivasha. As we drove, we went through a massive rain storm - the truck was pretty old so there were a few leaks and the sound of the hail hitting the roof was deafening!

The rain let up before we got to our campground but not for long. We quickly set up our tents (about half the group paid to upgrade to cabins) and went to the bar where we waited out another thunderstorm. We played a few games of pool before walking back to our campsites, and after played the longest game of Uno ever - 1 1/2 hours! (I don't think we were using the right rules ... we changed them after this epic game) I had a nice warm shower (water heated by a wood fire!) before climbing into bed around 10.

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