Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Exploring Juba - Day 2

I woke up to rain! Of course, that means that nothing happens because nobody goes to work if it's raining! I read my book for a bit, then got put to work assembling primers ("learn to read" books) in Tennet (one of the Sudanese language groups). Not an overly exciting activity, except when the stapler exploded, almost hitting S - luckily his laptop deflected the flying staples! There were no large pieces of staples, so I had filled the stapler with smaller pieces ... guess you aren't supposed to do that. We had lunch in the guest house again, this time it was green bean stew, then it was back to stapling and cutting.

We had a house-full over for supper - T and I, R, S, and 5 "newbies" who had just moved to Juba. Two of the newbies were from Kenya, so showed us how to make ugali (corn flour mixed with water and cooked), greens, and lentils which we had along with salad and guavas. You're supposed to eat ugali with your hands, but I'm not too good at that and used a fork, instead!

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