Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fueled by "Fart Foods"

We were up and out of Entebbe early this morning, eating our breakfast of yummy beer bread in the car on our way to Queen Elizabeth National Park in western Uganda. It was a long drive, but it was interesting to see the villages and countryside and G's 2 kids are great travellers! For lunch, we stopped at a roadside takeaway place, now forever referred to as the "fart" food place, for samosas. We spent a few minutes at the equator, taking a few pictures and looking through the souvenir shops, before continuing west through the matoke (similar to plantain) fields. We arrived at our lodge in the afternoon, and after walking around enjoying the view, spend a while swimming in the pools. We had supper at the lodge, but learned that evening why they recommend that you order your meals ahead of time ... it took over an hour to arrive!

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