Saturday, September 25, 2010

Random Juba Information

The compound had a set schedule each day, based around when the generators would be running if city power was off.
9 - start of work
10:30 - tea time
11 - back to work
12:30 - lunch
2 - back to work
5 - finish work and head home
7 - eat supper
9 - go to bed ("missionary midnight")

And, since I wasn't able to take any pictures while touring around Juba, these are some of the common (and not so common) sights:

  • 2 men and a goat on a boda (motorcycle taxi)
  • piles of garbage everywhere - in the market, on street corners, etc.
  • GOSS yellow licence plates - don't hit them!!!
  • every other vehicle is an NGO SUV
  • vehicle's with "no-gun" decals (like no smoking signs, but with an AK-47 instead of a cigarette)
  • ducks swimming in a pothole
  • a bridge over a creek with a large hole in the middle ... a hole going the whole way through the concrete, so only the rebar was left
  • no street signs, traffic lights, or traffic signs
  • police directing traffic but just making a worse traffic jam
  • men walking goats (on leashes!)
  • women carrying all sorts of things on their heads
  • tukels (round mud huts with thatched roofs)
  • huge snails
  • cars driving with hazard lights flashing - it means they are going straight through an intersection, not turning
  • forehead scars - the Nuer and Dinka cut their foreheads when they become adults

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying this. Great job. Did you play any HEARTS over there?
