Sunday, April 18, 2010

Actun Tunichil Mukal Cave

This morning, most of our group got up early and went to the Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM) cave. We were the second van to get to the parking lot, but started the hike before the other group and raced down the trail to the cave. The hike took about 20 minutes was pretty nice, except that 2 minutes into it we had to ford across the river and, well, waterproof boots don't just keep water out, they also keep it in! So, we sloshed the rest of the way to the cave, crossing the river two more times along the way, just to make sure out feet stayed wet. The opening of the cave was really pretty - crystal clear water, lots of greenery, small fish swimming everywhere. We loaded up the dry-bag with our cameras, put on our helmets and head lamps, and got in the water. The water is about 5 metres deep at the entrance, so we had to swim the first few meters into the cave. It was the first time I had ever swam while wearing hiking boots - not recommended for speed or endurance! We hiked, climbed, and swam about 600 metres into the cave, then climbed up a ledge to the dry part of the cave. From here on, we where in socks to protect the rocks from wear and from the oils on our feet. Just past where we left our shoes, we came to a massive chamber filled with broken pottery, left there broken by the Maya almost 2000 years ago! There was nothing to prevent us from touching or accidentally stepping on items, just a piece of orange tape on the ground to mark out a path.
Further into the cave was a chamber filled with sparkling stalagmites and stalactites. Finally, near the end of the cave, we climbed up a shaky aluminium ladder (tied in place) to the place where the "crystal maiden" lays - a calcified skeleton of a women sacrificed over 1000 years ago!
Leaving the cave we passed a lot of groups making their way in and were really grateful to have been the first visitors this morning and having had the cave to ourselves - the darkness and silence unspoilt. We had lunch at the exit of the cave, then made our way back to the hotel. I spent the afternoon relaxing in my cabin (I had my own room this time) and doing a bit of laundry. It was too hot to do much more exploring, though some people went of to see more Mayan ruins. We had supper in town and I went to bed early - too many early mornings!

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