Thursday, April 22, 2010

Playa del Carmen

Back to Mexico today! We decided to pay a few extra dollars and take the water taxi back to Mexico - a 3 hours trip by boat instead of and hour by boat and then 5 hours by old school bus! The only problem was that the water was rough - the boat kept slapping down which got really tiring and really annoying pretty quickly.

We got through customs into Mexico without too many problems - still not a "normal" border check point (a table under a shelter at the end of a dock), but it seemed a lot more official that the other borders we had crossed. It was also interesting to watch the drug dogs go over all our luggage, including hand luggage, searching for drugs. Then it was back on the wonderfully cold ADO buses north to Playa del Carmen, our final stop on this trip. The drive up wasn't too interesting, except for the thousands of butterflies over the highway and being able to see the massive resort complexes along the coast.

After finally finding our hotel (we arrived in a different bus station than S thought we were at), we went out for a simple Mexican supper, then walked downtown. It was too touristy for me and so expensive compared to everywhere else we had been! We had a few drinks at a cheesy tourist bar that had a nice view, then went back to the hotel.

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