Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Journey to Palenque

We spent most of the day on the bus, driving 9 hours to Palenque. The scenery was nice, the movie wasn't too loud (it sometimes comes blasting out of the overhead speakers), and even the bathroom at the back of the bus was clean (cleaner that VIA rail train bathrooms!). We stopped at a small restaurant for lunch, but other than that, we only stopped at the bus stations where we could get out a stretch our legs, pay to use a bathroom that wasn't moving, or grab a snack. Our guide, D, always counted to make sure we were all back on the bus, but at one stop, G was missing (it was a bit of a recurring theme, unfortunately). D got the driver to stop, pull back into the station, and D ran around looking for him. It wasn't until D had looked all over that we realized that he was in the toilet at the back of the bus! Sigh.
There isn't much to the town of Palenque, so we stayed at a hotel and "traylor" park inside the national park, less than a kilometer from the ruins! The setting was beautiful.
Behind our rooms, we found a rope hanging from a tree branch. K was the first to swing on it, then it was my turn. Neither of us were all that good, but a really hot guy came up and offered to give me a push :) Of course I couldn't turn that down and he also caught me and lowered me down when I couldn't hang on any more. Mf took a turn too, then we walked around a bit. A while later, I was back in the same area when W came up (K had told her about the rope and the hot guy). She went up to the rope (where the hot guy was again), turned and shouted, "K was right, he is hot!". He pushed her and she started shouting "The hot guy just touched my ass ... he touched it again!" She didn't realize that he spoke English until she was down! It ended up being the start of a short (2 day) but intense relationship.
We spent the evening at the hotel restaurant, eating supper and laughing about W and "hot guy".

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