Monday, April 19, 2010

Journey to Caye Caulker

We got up early AGAIN today (the last early morning for a while luckily) and caught a chicken bus to Belize City. It was MUCH better than the Guatemalan chicken buses - a lot less crowded and it felt safer. The only problem we had was at the police checkpoints - the police only allow 2 people per bench and since the bus was full (with 3 people to a bench in some spots), tried to kick S and D off the bus! We got to Belize City late so missed our water taxi, but since a bunch of us needed the bathroom and there aren't any on the boat (and the ride takes about an hour), it was probably a good thing that we missed it! We only had to wait an hour and a half for the next one, so it wasn't too bad. After a lunch that took forever to arrive (I guess the took the "Go Slow" motto to heart), we were told about the various snorkeling and scuba trips we could take. We then made our way to the split (the north part of the island where it split from what used to be the other half of the island before a hurricane split it in two) to check out the not great beach, but wonderfully warm and clear water.
We stayed at the beach until sunset, then cleaned up, went out for a fish supper on the beach, and spent the rest of the evening at a reggae bar swinging on swings or in hammocks. Sweet!
Our hotel wasn't very good - the shower leaked and the taps didn't work properly - but at least we had a gecko in our bathroom to eat any bugs that made there way in. You can't tell in the picture, but he was about 15 cm long!

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