Sunday, April 11, 2010


This morning we braved the Guatemalan chichen buses, taking 3 to the Sunday morning market in Chichicastenango. The chicken buses are old north American school buses, that are given standard transmissions, roof-racks, and a crazy paint job! Three people sit on each bench and the centre aisle gets crammed full of people. We weren't able to take any pictures of the full bus - the one below is from BEFORE it got crowded!
We survived the chicken bus (all thankful that we had paid for the upgrade the day before!) and got off just outside the market. We had breakfast at an upstairs restaurant overlooking the market, then went out to practise our bargaining. I realized pretty quickly that I suck at bartering! I didn't buy much, just 2 sets of placemats and napkins - one for me and the other for my parents who were taking care of my house while I was gone.
We headed back to Panajachel in the early afternoon - to the sound of G throwing up a couple times. (Our group seems to have caught some nasty bug). I wondered around town a bit, then went back to the asian restaurant where we wrote up a pre-nup agreement for K and G... in crayon, of course.

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