Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cancun, Mexico

The start of another 3-week adventure with GAP Adventures - this time to Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize on the trip Mayan Adventure!

I took WestJet out of Hamilton in the afternoon, so could sleep in and didn't have to deal with any lines at check-in or security. The flight down was fine though a bit bumpy for the last hour, but in Cancun we had to sit on the ramp for about 20 minutes. Going through immigration was simple (I never have problems in foreign countries, only in Canada!), but unfortunately got a red light going through customs which meant that my bags had to be checked. The officer didn't do a thorough job though - he seemed more interested in the fact that I work contact lenses and have blue eyes!!

I had arranged to have a shuttle from the airport bring me to the hotel, and it eventually showed up ... after me standing around and searching through all the other people holding signs for hotels. I got to the hotel just in time for the group meeting and then it was off for a late supper (at a place with ridiculously slow service).

Our group was supposed to have 15 travellers, but one never showed up, so, here are the 13 other people I'll be spending the next weeks with. (If there's an * after their name, they stayed for 3 weeks, otherwise they left in Antigua)

MZ* - early 30s girl from Austria who was my room-mate most nights

P* - early 30s girl from Germany

K - early 30s girl from England

MH* and T* - late 20s boyfriend and girlfriend from Australia who are spending the next 4 months travelling around Central and South America

W and MV - mid-30s friends (both girls) from Australia

G - early 40s guy from Toronto (and he talked about Canada A LOT!!!)

S - late 30s guy from England

L* - women who turned 50 on the trip (and didn't tell us until the day AFTER) from Thunderbay

B* and A* - late 40s couple from Scotland

I - mid-40s girl from Quebec City

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