Friday, April 23, 2010


This was our last day together as a group, but there weren't any planned activities. Most of us wanted to see the ruins at Tulum, so got together in the morning and found a group taxi van to drive us to the ruins. The place was crawling with resort tourists and iguanas, and after all the much more impressive ruins we had seen, we all seemed more fascinated with the iguanas than with anything else! One of the reasons to visit Tulum is to swim at the beaches in the park, but the stairs down to the main beach were closed and the surf was really high, so we only looked down at the beach. After about an hour we were hot, tired and hungry, so found another group bus and went back to the hotel. We spent the afternoon lazing around in the hotel pool then went out for a fancy "last night" dinner followed by a few drinks. I went back to the hotel with part of the group early in the evening, but the others stumbled home the next morning.

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