Saturday, April 17, 2010

San Ignacio

Off to Belize today! Leaving Guatemala was simple - S collected our passports and the money needed to exit the country and did all the work for us.Belize was a bit more "normal" - we filled in our own forms and actually talked to an immigration officer! It was pretty slow, though, since they didn't have any computers so were writing down all our passport information by hand. After immigration, there was only a something to declare line, so I waited for another group member to come before going through. I think they thought M was my dad - they asked him questions but waved me through with him! It was only about an hour drive to San Ignacio where we had lunch and then listened to a guide operator tell us some of the activities that were available in the area. About 8 of us decided to do the river tubing, but since no-one had a waterproof camera, I don't have any pictures :(
Tubing was nice and relaxing, especially since it was a hot day and the water was nice and cool, even though it wasn't the cleanest (pretty green). There were a few rapids for us to go down which was fun when we didn't get stuck on the rocks - it's the end of the rainy season, so the water levels are low. There was also the added challenge of staying away from the river edge - that's where most of the garbage and plant matter accumulated.
For supper, we headed off to a carnival in the next town. It wasn't that big or exciting, so most of us left soon after eating.

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