Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Caye Caulker

I spent our second day on Caye Caulker just relaxing, which is what most of the group did. I took my time getting ready, had a relaxing breakfast at the restaurant across the street, walked most of the island with M, watched a movie on the TV, then finally got to see a sunset that wasn't hidden by clouds! There are a few interesting things about Caye Caulker. One is that none of the roads are paved - it's all sand! Also, there are only a few trucks on the island, it's mostly just golf carts and bikes. And finally, by the third evening, you know exactly when the "cake man" and the kid on the bike come around to sell their (or in the case the the kid, his mom's) baking - and it's fresh, cheap, and delicious!

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