Thursday, April 8, 2010

Waterfalls and Speed bumps

It was another long day of travelling, but this time we paid a bit extra and booked our own van and driver for the trip so we could stop at some waterfalls along the way. I was up a few times during the night, so loaded up on medication in the morning to help clear up whatever was bothering me - it must have worked because I was feeling a bit better that evening, and back to normal the next day! Our guide D was also having problems that morning - he got stung by a scorpion (which he didn't tell us until later) and whacked his elbow in a failed attempt to get away from it. The first waterfall stop was at Misol-Ha. It's a 35 m high waterfall set in the middle of lush jungle with a path that goes behind it. There is a spot to swim, but it was early and still relatively cool, so no one from our group went in. The second waterfall was Agua Azul. The waterfall isn't very high, but is a series of naturally formed, turquoise pools. I had lunch in one of the small restaurant stalls, then walked to the top with W. After a few pictures, we walked to the bottom, had a quick dip in the surprisingly cold water, then waited in the shade for the others. The rest of the drive wasn't too exciting, except for the almost 400 speed bumps (speed up, slow down, bump, bump, repeat) and K on my left and G on my right arguing about something ... for about 5 hours! We were given a quick orientation walk around San Cristobal, had supper at a really nice (and cheap!) restaurant, then I headed off to bed while the others went out for drinks.

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